(DRAFT)  After completing Iona Olympia School, students will be able to:

Function effectively within their communities:

  • Effectively lead, including empowering lay people within the congregation.
  • Describe the different roles of presbyters, bishops, lay persons and deacons and demonstrate this understanding by working productively.
  • Effectively use available tools to assess and synthesize the congregation.
  • Demonstrate their skills in listening and pastoral care.
  • Introduce and teach methods that allow individuals and congregations to grow in faith
  • Describe the trends related to diverse populations in the diocese and use appropriate measures to ensure congregations are culturally competent.

Understand our Anglican tradition

  • Describe the overall outline of the Book of Common Prayer; demonstrate its use in liturgy; discuss how the BCP expresses the theology of the Episcopal Church
  • Demonstrate liturgical and canonical fluency
  • Understand and perform sacraments of the Church and effectively prepare congregations to receive the sacraments.

Develop a healthy rule of life

  • Ensure that processes and support people are in place for healthy self care.
  • Develop an individual rule of life to maintain a balance between current life/family responsibilities, work schedule and other circumstances.

Understand Scripture:

  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of time periods, key writers, key figures, and themes in the books of the Bible.
  • Understand how history and culture affects our understanding of Scripture
  • Effectively use tools available to explore Scripture.

Apply Scripture to real life

  • Integrate Scripture into personal life
  • Trace the history of the diaconate, from biblical and early church roots, through the middle ages, and including changes since the reformation. Consider exemplary deacons in each period.
  • Develop and maintain respect for other points of view

Understand and reflect theologically

  • Describe different models of theological reflection and be able to apply a model to issues in your ministry
  • Understand diverse spiritual practices.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the different disciplines of Christian theology.

Lead effectively

  • Prepare and deliver homilies
  • Build healthy teams
  • Communicate clearly